A beach goer lost his heirloom wedding band in front of Ocean House, Watch Hill, RI early May 2018. By the time he realized his ring was forgotten on his beach towel, it was already too late. Digging in the sand with your hands to retrieve a ring is a near impossible task. However, when your deeply value possession disappears, you have to try something! After a good hand digging effort he thought his lost ring was gone forever…
The gentleman reached out to local lifeguards and other resources, eventually he came across a referral of my services from a 2016 ring find at Westerly Town Beach. After quickly discussing the details surrounding the lost ring, my wife Allie and I rushed down to the Watch Hill beach in front of Ocean House to see if we could find it. The gentleman brought us to the location where he remembered placing his towel the previous morning. Allie and I began to search with high hopes. Check out Allies story below to find out what it’s like seeing that gold in the sand… Which means someone will be reunited with the heirloom that was lost forever!
“Today I found my first ring! Keith has reunited so many with their lost treasures and today I found his why. It was such a beautiful moment and one I will remember for a lifetime. His wedding band had been passed down from his grandfather, inscribed with the wedding dates of his grandparents and parents! Beautiful! My heart is so full, it feels like it could explode.”
Another lost ring found and reunited with its owner!
Lost a piece of jewelry on the beach? Lost a ring in the water? Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summer time activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find you lost ring or jewelry. I serve Connecticut and surrounding states. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact me now.
Lost Diamond Pendant Longmeadow, MA... Found!
While escaping a moth attack, a resident of Longmeadow, MA broke her necklace and her heirloom 1 ct. diamond pendant went flying! The diamond pendant fell through the decking and landed in the crushed rocks below. Luckily it was a second-story deck and the lost diamond pendant didn’t require an army-crawl search. The couple was devastated and purchase their own metal detector to make an attempt at finding the lost diamond. The small gold clasp was hardly enough metal to give a good signal for the average metal detector. Only the highest quality metal detection equipment is sensitive enough to find gold of this size. When deeply valued jewelry is lost, you have to try something! After their own metal detection effort and even a rock removal effort, the couple decided to call a member of The Ring Finders Metal Detection Service.
Through a quick Google search gentleman immediately found The Ring Finders website and my business website. We scheduled the search and a couple of weeks later I arrived in Longmeadow, MA to find the lost diamond pendant. After searching the area I came up with a couple of small pieces of tin foil, which gives off the same type of signal as the small clasp securing the lost diamond. I began to expand my search area after coming up empty-handed directly under the decking where the moth attack took place. Expanding the lost diamond search all the way to the house foundation proves to be a tough search as the large amounts of metal in the concrete foundation make the metal detector go crazy. Suddenly I heard a faint signal through all the noise created by the house foundation. Clearing away a few of the crushed rocks, I saw the shiny diamond peeking out from its hiding place. After a short celebration, we headed upstairs to surprise the owner of the lost diamond pendant! Another lost heirloom diamond found and reunited with its owner!
Randie Cadigan's Testimonial:
"I lost my diamond pendent that fell off my necklace and through the cracks of our deck and landed in a pool of crushed rocks. I was devastated and assumed we’d have to spend thousands to remove all the rocks and sift through them..but then we found Keith! We showed him a picture of the pendant and turned him loose. Within less than an hour, he was able to find the diamond in the sea of rocks! We were beyond thrilled and grateful! He was awesome to work with and completely understood how important it was to find my diamond.”
Lost a piece of jewelry in your yard? Even if it was lost decades ago, it’s not too late to find it! Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summertime activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or purchase or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find your lost ring or jewelry. I serve Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and short distances into other surrounding states. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact Keith Wille now through the form below.

Consultation & Metal Detection Service
Keith Wille