In The News
The Day "With a Stroke of Luck, Waterford Resident Gets his Ring Back" For more than 40 years Elias Hage was married to Eleanor until she passed away in 2011. Every day Elias would take a swim at Waterford Town Beach. On one fateful day, he came out of the water to see the wedding ring he wore since 1960 was gone. Read how Keith Wille turned this heartbreaking story into a fairy tale ending.
The Westerly Sun "Surf Gives Back Ring with a Little Help" Ellen and Michael Stefanski had their share of losses last month, but following a visit from Keith Wille and his XP Deus, a little something meaningful was found.
The Patch "Widower Embraces Man After Finding Treasured Wedding Band at Waterford Beach" "I do this because sometimes all people have is a token to remind them of the best parts of their lives," Wille said in an email, "and those memories do not belong lost in the ocean.
The New Yorker "The Lost-Jewelry Hunters"
Yet after almost three hours of non-stop detector-swinging, Wille was still probing for new leads, maintaining a running conversation with his client. “It makes no difference if I find it with the machine or I jog his memory and he finds it somewhere else,” he said.
The New York Times "Archaeologists & Metal Detectorists Find Common Ground"
Mr. McBride says there is a “better than even” chance that Mr. Wille discovered the site of Tatuppequauog, one of the villages mentioned in the 1638 letter. The letter said it had 20 houses; Dr. McBride estimated that about 200 people might have lived there, a large enough village to account for the distance between where the adze and kettle point were found. If it is Tatuppequauog, Mr. Wille would be listed as the discoverer.
WFSB Channel 3 "The ring commemorates the love between him and his late wife"
After weeks went by Mr. Hage thought all hope was lost but a man with a metal detector and a hobby of finding things changed all that.

Discover Detecting "50 Amazing Metal Detector Finds You’ll Love" All metal detectorists dream of finding amazing treasure. While most of the time we find trashy targets or inexpensive items, sometimes detectorists get (very) lucky and find items like: Coin spills, Gold nuggets, Ancient relics, Shipwrecks, Ancient Jewelry.
WCVB Channel 5 Boston "Couple reunited with engagement ring lost in snow"
A family-heirloom engagement ring is back on the finger of a bride-to-be thanks to a ring-finder who found it after it was lost in the snow.
Western Mass News "Metal detectorist helps couple recover lost engagement ring"
AGAWAM, MA (WGGB/WSHM) -- A Westfield woman and her fiancé are breathing a sigh of relief after someone was able to recover a priceless family heirloom from the snow. They owe it all to a man who works to help people find their lost items. Keith Wille, a professional metal detectorist who specializes in finding lost items.

News8 WTNH "Treasure hunter from Conn. helps people rediscover lost possessions"
A professional treasure hunter from Connecticut went viral for finding $46,000 in the floorboards of a Massachusetts home. Since then, his modern-day treasure hunting business has skyrocketed.

Inside Edition "Treasure Hunter Finds $46K Hidden In Floorboard of a Massachusetts Family's Attic"
A treasure hunter helped a Massachusetts family a settle decades-old rumor that money had been hidden somewhere inside their house since the 1950s. Within an hour's time, Keith Wille found the $46,000 in a lockbox that was hidden under the home’s floorboards.

Consultation & Metal Detection Service
Keith Wille