A beach goer lost his heirloom wedding band in front of Ocean House, Watch Hill, RI early May 2018. By the time he realized his ring was forgotten on his beach towel, it was already too late. Digging in the sand with your hands to retrieve a ring is a near impossible task. However, when your deeply value possession disappears, you have to try something! After a good hand digging effort he thought his lost ring was gone forever…
The gentleman reached out to local lifeguards and other resources, eventually he came across a referral of my services from a 2016 ring find at Westerly Town Beach. After quickly discussing the details surrounding the lost ring, my wife Allie and I rushed down to the Watch Hill beach in front of Ocean House to see if we could find it. The gentleman brought us to the location where he remembered placing his towel the previous morning. Allie and I began to search with high hopes. Check out Allies story below to find out what it’s like seeing that gold in the sand… Which means someone will be reunited with the heirloom that was lost forever!
“Today I found my first ring! Keith has reunited so many with their lost treasures and today I found his why. It was such a beautiful moment and one I will remember for a lifetime. His wedding band had been passed down from his grandfather, inscribed with the wedding dates of his grandparents and parents! Beautiful! My heart is so full, it feels like it could explode.”
Another lost ring found and reunited with its owner!
Lost a piece of jewelry on the beach? Lost a ring in the water? Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summer time activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find you lost ring or jewelry. I serve Connecticut and surrounding states. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact me now.
Lost Ring 8 Carats of Diamond and Sapphire Eastern Point Beach, Groton CT... Found!
Wayne’s Barber Shop is a contemporary hotspot with the most attention to detail haircut on the east coast. A loss like this one would be devastating to any atmosphere as cool as this one - finding and returning this ring was an extremely important task. One Sunday evening in late July 2017 I received a message from my friend and owner of Wayne’s Barber Shop, Mystic, CT regarding his lost ring with a circa 1910 3¾ carat diamond and 2¼ carat sapphires. He was cooling off in the water at Eastern Point Beach, Groton CT when one of his most sentimental pieces of jewelry dropped into the waist-deep water. It took a minute for the reality of losing his ring to sink in. After desperately searching by hand while at the same time trying to avoid drawing the attention of the other beachgoers, he realized the ring was lost. Thinking quickly, he didn’t want to lose the location of the lost ring so he used his foot to mark a line as he exited the water into the dry sand. Getting back to the beach chair, he immediately contacted a couple of different people. He contacted me, sent a message to his brother (who had a mask and snorkel) and he even contacted the ring designer, Mystic Gem Company of Mystic CT. Within the hour we were all standing on the beach together discussing the details of how this very special diamond and sapphire ring was lost. His location on the beach where he entered the water was marked by his line in the sand and the distance off the beach was noted by his memory of the waist-deep water. We determined the tide was going out so the lost ring would be in shallower water at this point. He waited patiently on the beach as his brother finished up the snorkel and mask search and I began searching with a metal detector. With an eager crowd starting to form on the beach, the pressure was on as I retrieved bottle caps, pull tabs, and other items discarded by past beachgoers. After 20 minutes of searching, I pulled a scoop of rocks from the knee-deep water and gently dumped it onto the beach. Someone yelled, “there it is!” I’ve seen a lot of rings, but the ring that rolled out of my scoop this time was the most stunning piece of jewelry I’d ever seen. Another lost ring found and reunited with its owner!
Wayne Richard Testimonial:
“Words do not express my gratitude to Keith for finding my ring in the ocean, at Eastern Point Beach. He was there within an hour after I contacted him in a panic, and then within an hour, he found what I thought was lost forever! He's truly a professional, and he is very good at remaining calm and focused. Thank you again, my friend. If anyone out there reading this is considering him to find something you've lost, stop looking and let him.”
Lost a piece of jewelry on the beach? Lost a ring in the tidal area where the water level changes throughout the day? If a ring is lost in the surf, use a physical reference to mark two key points: mark the location along the beach and mark the distance out into the water from the beach. Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summertime activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find your lost ring or jewelry. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact Keith Wille now through the form below.

Consultation & Metal Detection Service
Keith Wille